Rock, Don't Roll Final Video

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Texting and Driving PSA

We created a texting while driving PSA. Log onto Youtube and check it out!!! Hopefully this will reach teens around our area and help them to tune out distractions!

Also listen to our radio PSA!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our "EGGS"pert Driver

We had our "Eggs"pert travel through our halls educating students and teachers about the dangers of distracted driving. We reminded them of the dangers on the road during holiday weekends and high traveling times.

Drive Safe over Easter Break!!

We placed posters around our school reminding students to drive safe over the Easter Holiday. We also dressed one of our students as an Easter Egg and had her go from room to room reminding students to buckle up, tune out distractions, set cell phones down and obey speed limits.