Rock, Don't Roll Final Video

Friday, May 8, 2009

Final Video

We have been BUSY!!!

Last Post

We have been traveling around the South Plains handing out statistics, reminding teens about the dangers of the summer months. We have made posters that have stayed up around Shallowater also. We have had several articles in the paper and also interviews on the radio. We are getting the word out to educate teens. VOTE SHALLOWATER!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Our Texting and Driving PSA

We created a texting while driving PSA. Log onto Youtube and check it out!!! Hopefully this will reach teens around our area and help them to tune out distractions!

Also listen to our radio PSA!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our "EGGS"pert Driver

We had our "Eggs"pert travel through our halls educating students and teachers about the dangers of distracted driving. We reminded them of the dangers on the road during holiday weekends and high traveling times.

Drive Safe over Easter Break!!

We placed posters around our school reminding students to drive safe over the Easter Holiday. We also dressed one of our students as an Easter Egg and had her go from room to room reminding students to buckle up, tune out distractions, set cell phones down and obey speed limits.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11th: Street Smart Presentation to High School

Shallowater Students Learn How to Be Street Smart When It Comes to Underage Drinking, Illegal Drug Use

(Shallowater, Texas)— Life on the streets takes on a whole new meaning when you’re a firefighter/paramedic. The streets are where the crashes occur, where poor choices have played out, teamwork is a must and split seconds can save a life.

It is these kinds of life-changing experiences that create the backdrop for a dramatic, gripping program called Street Smart that will be presented to SHS students on March 11, 2009 at 8:30 AM at Shallowater High School. Street Smart takes teens into the real-life drama experienced by firefighter/paramedics as they work to save the lives of youth who have made poor choices when it comes to underage drinking or using illegal drugs.

A team of two certified paramedics walks students through what happens at a trauma scene using the medical equipment they employ daily in their jobs. From taking a pulse, to loading the victim onto a backboard, to simulating an IV-line being inserted, students can see and feel what it’s like to try to save a life.
And what it’s like to be the victim…They learn the stories behind the crashes, hear the choices that individuals were given, and see irresponsible actions played out.
Street Smart is sponsored by Standard Sales Company, the local Anheuser-Busch wholesaler, as part of the company’s commitment to fight underage drinking and drunk driving.

“Many of our employees are parents, and we’re committed to helping our young people stay safe,” explains Retha Fortenberry, Consumer Awareness and Education Director for Standard Sales. “The paramedics’ real-life stories have a powerful, long-lasting impact we hope will encourage students to be responsible about the choices they make whether it comes to illegal underage drinking or just remembering to click the seat belt.”

Street Smart engages students rather than lecturing or preaching to them. Using factual information, actual medical equipment and demonstrations involving students, the paramedics provide a real-life look at the consequences of irresponsible actions. In addition, students learn to recognize EMS procedures, which may reduce anxiety if they are ever involved in trauma experiences. This is beneficial not only to the patient, but to first responders, rescue, and Emergency Room personnel.

Street Smart is presented by members of Stay Alive From Education (S.A.F.E.), a non-profit organization created by firefighter/paramedics in Miami-Dade County, Florida, dedicated to reducing teen injuries and fatalities.

“We hope that through our presentation, students come to know the power that comes from making the right choices,” explains Vincent Easevoli, executive director of S.A.F.E. “Whether that’s choosing not to engage in underage drinking or using illegal drugs, or choosing to wear a seat belt…we want them to understand the consequences that come with their actions and the importance and value of their own lives.”
S.A.F.E. has been reaching students and military personal across the nation with its powerful message to help young people be “street smart” when it comes to decisions on teen drinking, drunk driving or illegal drug use.

Street Smart is one of more than two dozen community-based alcohol awareness and education programs sponsored by Anheuser-Busch and its more than 600 independent wholesalers across the country to help discourage drunk driving and underage drinking and promote responsible drinking among adults who choose to drink.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10, 2009

This week is our Basketball State Tournament, and our Mustangs will be playing in Austin. With this going on we will be making signs and flyers reminding everyone who is going to the game to drive safely and to watch for hazards on the road like deer. We hope that with these reminders that everyone will go and return safely. Also, with spring break next week we will be making annoucements that will remind people to drive safely since we all will be traveling far distances.

-Rock Don't Roll